Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Eve

What, ever , is Meaningless? 

Nothing. I dont believe in coincidence. I believe in the Plan-God.

 Tonight, Thanksgiving Eve, is always a Wednesday. And Wednesday is ALWAYS youth groop in my family. Homework or not. Busy or not. It is mandatory. It is a reflex. It is a breath for the middle of my family's week. We NEED it, because we ALWAYS need more of God and sanctified fellowship. Last year on Thanksgiving Eve, it was just Sidecake (my sister) and I with our youth pastor and his wife in that room with the multichromatic grey-black-white room smitten with chalk. 

So tonight, all one- two- three- nine of us were seeking Him. Deepest night of the year, closest night of the year. Most wonderful youth groop each year. Daring each other to be thankful and write down 50 things we were thankful for each day, from today to next Wednesday. A friend suggested these numbers from my Eucharisteo journal.

1) Butter on small eyebrows
20) Funny teacher's response
993) Waiting outside of church, "Centuries" comes on
8) Big sisters flying to catch stray balloons
808) Life Hack #1: Know God

These numbers. Just the beginning of 1000 gifts. 1000 things I see, find the hand of the Moment God in. Like a love dare, but this one is a thanks dare. A joy dare. 

        I want to get to 10,000. 
                                                 10,000 thank-yous.
                                                                                   10,000 reasons. 

I dare you to write fifty things you are thankful for. Just today. Right now. Find them in one sitting. You certainly have enough to be thankful for, and if you don't have the time to be thankful for them, then you have no right to have them.

That is a dare for you. 

Today, I am thankful for :
  1. Depression fought weak. 
  2. Humility stinging deep
  3. and Dorcas' ring Cor. 
  4. As her eyes searched 
  5. and Club's mind seekd
  6. both they to disprove the secular
  7. and make it sacred;
  8. moment like a beat
  9. pounded percussion sazzle
  10. deep wood-box banging truth
  11. and worship for few 
  12. ascribing depth to shallow
  13. Mockingjay and Krampus
  14. because we know there is more more
  15. deep down far once a year 
  16. into the one little flake of snow falling only heere and NOT EVER there
  17. and those Diamonds are only hidden, 
  18. not destroyed
  19. on Thanksgiving eve 
  20. we hunters of the dawn
  21. during the redsky blizzard 
  22. outside and inside and around heere world
  23. only to end in that Hebel 
  24. which brings back around to that one circle swirl
  25. much like those leaves fighting brooms
  26. and spinning centrifugal childish
  27. assaulting Child-boy to work into tears
  28. Because it is stronger
  29. to be a woman with grace
  30. rather than force
  31. eating our words, 
  32. humble pie mouthfuls
  33. Seeking first in dawn
  34. new mercy light shimmering bold soft
  35. and i am a child of it.
  36. "Those whose joy is morning sun
  37. and those suffering through the night"
  38. Daughter of the Morning
  39. And those cracks in the tile floor
  40. offset by ceiling beams
  41. lovingly grouted and lovingly grounded
  42. to try our patience
  43. never wood
  44. always sponge-knees and squeak-bleach
  45. as we clean the dust from the low
  46. we become low Dust
  47. as He was, and joy comes 
  48. for in the low, we see Him
  49. Like Manatees from Mannatech boxes delivered
  50. we are New Creations morningly: Children of the Dawn.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Unite and Fight

Time to stop the disease.

It's not just France who suffers.

Get over the differences.

There is a heart to this problem.

Don't let it be you.

Time for a cure for the world's cancer.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Cup of Joy

                    My all-time fifth favorite book, (#1: Bible  #2:Peter Pan #3:One Thousand Gifts, #4: Great Expectations), 


         is a delightful little children's book. The main character, known as "My Father", one day takes home a stray alley tomcat, adopting it as his own. He brings it home against his snappy mother's wishes and keeps it for a time. The cat tells My Father of a way to possess a dragon all his own if he goes on a certain adventure; the cat prepares the boy for an adventure that seems surrealistic. 

Today, like My Father, I brought home and adopted a certain older-sister who not only tells me of similar adventures, but also prepares me for the ultimate adventure: LIFE .


    Her trademark lies below. 

Earl Grey

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


By D. L.
The Shadow of the Most High
Though Dark and Valley Nigh
Will cover us unto the end
As we His will comply.

Yes suicide
Yes controversy
All In the name of Christ
We battle long and answer all
With “YES”, for He suffice.

Strains dark in Shadows deep
His Hand blocks out the sun
In Silent Hark, His palms keep
Our Hope fixed on the Son.

Day draws into Night’s froid
We seldom remember light
Though our faces tell of battles won
We fix our hearts on nothing right

Losing former
Which was made
Beloved by our hands
Until all fells
Like leafy spells
The barrenness of our lands.

Without a Loyal
Without a Breath
We persist existence gone
Yet screaming mercy
For our own death
Cheating defeated song

But the Bride awaits
And Her eyes burn
Heavy with sorrowed time
Until He comes
Not on a knee
Maranatha, cry with me
This Dance forever will be mine. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hunted Poem


By Daryin Lieder

Tomorrow begs for today
And today yearns yesterday
Today rebukes the time gone past
But praises the glories which have
Not yet
-and never yet-
will come,
Tomorrow is never today,
Yesterday was tomorrow
And tomorrow is today.
The bitter disappointments of today
Are the result of yesterday’s
Desiring a better tomorrow. 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hunting Dawn: Introduction

Hunting Dawn: Introduction

"...But seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness..." Matthew 6: 33 

      I don't think you noticed, but the background picture of this bloject (Mix of the words BLOG and PROJECT) is, in fact, a sunset.

      Hunting Dawn. The random name of a random blog with the random picture of a sunset that seems to contradict itself(which you have already possibly deemed as a waste of time in your hectic, busy life). 

      I am somewhat new to the realm of posting things about what my insignificant thoughts can't keep quiet(AKA Blogging).


      The Sun is rising every second of every day. 

During the middle of the night, the sun is rising somewhere in the world. At 7:28 am, the sun rose in my city. At 8:28 am, the sun rose somewhere else in the world. Same with 11:46 pm.  And 2:31 am.  And any other time that has ever lived. 

People (me included) are horrible procrastinators. 
"Tomorrow I can finish that project." 
"Tomorrow I will write that letter." 
"Tomorrow I can read my Bible and pray for that person."


Tomorrow began twenty seconds ago. 

Hunting Dawn is an argument and proposal to you to harness the moment, THIS MOMENT, your search for the Sunrise that breaks into every second; midnight or midday. 

True, the sun may not be rising where you can see it, but it still is rising somewhere, which means that you are now alive during a tomorrow, which is a gift that you were never guaranteed. 

Which means that sunsets are also sunrise, because the sun is rising directly opposite of you on the other side of the world. Even though it appears to be leaving you, it is simply giving someone another day. 

No sunrise is ever duplicated, copied, replayed. Each dawn only happens once, each day is only lived once, never to come again. And every morning, God's mercies are new, irreplaceable, and should be seen, just like the every-moment-sunrise. 

Therefore, if God asks you to seek Him FIRST, to look around you and see and taste and feel and DO the things He has given you, do it as if the sun just rose and the day was new and you have started over, twenty seconds ago, ten seconds ago, one, and you can give Him full glory by living fully in this moment with the Moment God. 

Is God not the one who brings the sun up every second and gives you mercy every half-second? What riches are you not seeing because you haven't been seeking?

Each day, each tomorrow, each second, 

And that is why I have started to Hunt Dawn, to hunt moments, writing them down in a little book, one by one, moment by moment, good or bad. 

59) Part-full coffee pot
63) Grapes and goodbyes 
276) Amazing talks with teachers
283) Internet fits
723) Wishing tunnels


"...But seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness..." Matthew 6: 33